Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Today, I'm sporting my shamrock manties...

Dye the river green, have your 10am shot of Jameson, and pick the friend no one else likes to be DD.  You know what time it is...

Ahh finally - the one day a year that I don't look like an @$$hole for drinking green beer.  

Unlike many of the green vomiting, drunken revelers, I am Irish 25% of the time - all the time.  And I can prove it.  My Grandpa on my Mom's side died on the toilet with a bottle of whiskey in hand.  I picture it in my head with "Oh Danny Boy" in the background and can't help but shed a tiny tear.  Oh and he was 100% Irish.  Mom will even tell you he was a gigolo.  Good ol Gramps...

So sip a Shamrock Shake and grab yourself a handful of leprechaun @$$, since those little bastards never REALLY wear green, cause today we're all Irish - or more so than normal.

Erin Go Bragh.  -H

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