If you want to pee your pants laughing, and frankly WHO WOULDN'T (Communists maybe) click HERE to check out all of Jon's YouTube video-funny-ha-ha's. Keep the sound low, just in case you work with a bunch of prudes. He's a bit of a potty-mouth, and I don't want to get reported to your HR lady. I don't need that.
In other news, Veteran's Day was this week.
Rich Abrahamson @ Coloradoan
For a bit of realism, get this: For years my Dad trudged thru the jungles of Vietnam. I've always wanted to talk to him about it, but only a few years ago realized that there's somethings that people just can't share or talk about. I know he was my age when he was going thru the whole thing, and I can't imagine going thru that same thing myself. Well, when I was a kid in Cheyenne, the company he worked for never let him have Veteran's Day off. Never even offered it to him. He never wanted to make a big deal of it, but this really pissed off my Mom and I. How can you not even offer?? Well, when he started his new job here in Colorado a few years ago, they straight up offered it to him. I call my Dad on Veteran's Day, and offer a word of thanks to all my "Vet Friends", and I hope you do the same.
Weather's changing... Get your ski's & boards waxed, it's about time to get Concussed!!!
Have a warm weekend. -H
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